Featured Photographers
Curve Network KC takes pride in the photographers that we recommend.
Choosing a photographer should be an important decision as your portfolio depends on it. We recommend that you do your research, check credentials, read reviews, and most importantly test your comfort level. Make sure you trust who you are shooting with and if there is any doubt, LEAVE! Your safety is the most important factor in choosing a photographer.
Curve Network has worked with multiple photographers and have listed a few that we highly recommend. Make sure you mention us when booking!

Dawn Higgins Official is Curve Network KC's preferred Photographer!
Dawn Higgins uses her camera to document the world with print-quality images that focus on the magical moments in daily life. Check out her portrait and personal business branding photography to help keep your social media brand fresh!
Book Her today!
Emily is Curve Network KC's preferred Photographer!
Emily has spent years studying posing down to the tiniest of details. Each expression from the body reflects certain emotions and it's important that we are expressing things such as confidence, empowerment, and sexy.
Her personal goal is that you leave your session a different and better version of yourself. I want you to have more self confidence, self-worth, and a little skip in your step when you leave from your session.
Curve Network takes pride in who we refer our network to. We have listed local businesses that we have worked with personally and think you would also benefit from them as well.

Be Featured
Get Promoted With Curve Network KC
For a chance to be featured and promoted on our Social Media Platforms follow the steps provided below:
- Follow Curve Network KC on Facebook or Instagram.
- Direct Message or Email 1 to 6 images of yourself to Curve Network KC (8x10 vertical photography and 1x1 images work best).
- When submitting images to Curve Network KC, please provide: your name, social media handles, website (if applicable), accreditation information, and location (city, state, and country).
#curvenetworkkc | @curvenetworkkc cambre@curvenetworkkc.com
Events Coming Soon!
Up Coming Curve Network KC Created & Sponsored Events
Learn more about our up-coming, Curve Network KC, created and sponsor events that are fully-polished, curvalious-quality, and 100% professional. These voluptuous Curve Network KC events aim to foster change around cultural stigma's placed on the human body. Through enlightenment, acceptance, and diversity, self-love and community acceptance is possible.
Help support the Curve Network KC by joining one of our on body-positivity networking opportunities by joining our private
Facebook Group to be updated on our body-positivity networking opportunities and so much more!